CCE-VA attends the Young Republican Leadership Conference with Governor Glenn Youngkin as Keynote Speaker

September 11, 2024


State Director Thomas Turner attended the biannual Young Republican National Federation Leadership Conference. Helen Sharpe, the newest member of the CCE-VA Advisory Board, accompanied him. The conference’s panels debunked myths surrounding nuclear energy, with Miss America 2023 Grace Stanke, a nuclear engineer, as the main speaker.

Director Turner was honored to welcome and host Governor Glenn Youngkin before his keynote address to the more than 250 attendees. The Governor’s remarks, which highlighted the importance of the “All of the Above” All-American Energy Plan, particularly resonated with the audience. His emphasis on the need for wind, solar, hydrogen, and nuclear energy, his plans for the Offshore Wind Project off the coast of Virginia Beach, and his support for small nuclear reactors struck a chord with the Young Republicans.

The panel and the Governor’s remarks inspired the Young Republicans. Jackie Sackstien, Maryland Young Republicans, said the nuclear discussion was her favorite part of the weekend. She stated, “Grace Stanke made the complex sound achievable, and the Governor drove the point home from a legislative and governmental standpoint.”  

Marissa Findlay, West Virginia Federation of Young Republicans National Committeewoman and President of the West Virginia Federation of Republican Women, said, “It was inspiring to hear a conservative message press the importance of an affordable and reliable energy policy. Coming from a state with a proud coal background, I understand the importance of having energy independence for our economic and national security. I am inspired by leaders like Governor Youngkin, who have national leadership on an all-of-the-above energy strategy while reducing costs with realistic and attainable goals.”

Lastly, the Young Republican National Federation Chairman Hayden Padgett summed it up: “Young Republicans know that America will need exponentially more energy by the time our kids become adults. We need more nuclear power to supply that energy, so we’re grateful to Governor Youngkin for advancing nuclear energy .”